January 25, 2022|4:03 am

We have somehow managed to make it through 2021. Considering the pandemic and all, it's not a small feat at all. Even though we have suffered a lot from coronavirus and lockdown, we have also learned many essential things in life too, like spending quality time alone finding happiness at small things, etc.

In this new year, considering the spreading of the new Omicron variant of coronavirus, we might have to go through another lockdown to protect ourselves and the others.

While this is the right thing to do to ensure your safety, are you concerned about the health risks of being indoors? We bet you probably don't.

The emissions from the furniture, old wooden flooring and cheap plywood decorations are dangerous for our mental and physical well-being as they emit toxic chemicals in to the air, which we breathe in. The emissions are even more harmful on the lockdown times as we are forced to stay home 24/7. The formaldehyde emission from the above mentioned sources can cause short term and long term health risks from nausea to lung cancer.

Thus, it is very important for the health and well-being of you and your loved ones to have a home with no chemical emissions. That's why you should choose India's No.1 zero emission certified plywood for home interiors.

Plymarc plywoods are certified by the California Air Resources Board as India's no.1 E-zero grade, which is the highest certification for reducing the formaldehyde emissions to its bare minimum.

Refurbish your home with Plymarc plywood as soon as possible to breathe easy inside your home without the fear of toxic emissions. Our plywoods come in various grades to meet different criteria of every homes. Plymarc Trust, for instance, is a marine grade plywood, which is ideal for the where there may be moisture most of the time like kitchen and bathrooms. And Plymarc flexi, is special grade of plywood, which can easily bended and applied to any surfaces effortlessly to complete your project no matter how complex it is.

Go through our unique collection of plywoods and veneers and kindly contact us if you wish to purchase from Plymarc or have any queries related to plywood or veneers. Our experts are always happy to help.

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